Qijia Classroom: Common Waterway Construction Problems

Water pipeline construction is an important part of home improvement concealment projects. Water pipeline construction technology is not in place, violations, etc., seemingly as small as sand, in fact, endless evil. Here are the common problems in the construction of water pipelines.

>>>Qijia teach you the size requirements of the waterway transformation

1. Water pipelines have joints

The pipeline looks normal, but there are really big problems. This is a hot and cold water circuit in the toilets. There are a lot of joints in the waterway, which will inevitably leave hidden troubles in the future.

Supervision explanation: According to the regulations, the water pipeline layout should pay attention to: 1, buried in the wall of the pipeline can not have joints; 2, the open trench must be smooth after the arc for waterproof treatment; 3, the fixed point should use a dedicated pipe card.

Hidden project layout home bathroom waterproof bathroom size bathroom leak

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