Netizens talk about the advantages and disadvantages of open kitchens

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The price of the house is now very high, and it is very easy to buy a house of its own. Of course, it is necessary to refurbish it. Someone here asks, is the open kitchen good or not? Here are the opinions of netizens, the open kitchen Pros and cons, I hope to give you some inspiration.

The open-plan restaurant is the most popular decoration style in modern style in recent years. It is decided according to your personal preference. Some people like the open style. It is because the open-style restaurant can give the impression that every family in the family can The feeling of being one of them is great! Some people do not like open-ended, for example, prone to odors and other issues, will also affect the maintenance of other furniture! So, this is still determined according to your own preferences and lifestyle!

A: In the modern era, it is very necessary to decorate the open kitchen. Not only from the decoration effect, but also from the space requirements, it is very necessary. Now that the housing in Beijing is very tense, the kitchen space of the average family is not very big. It is even more necessary to open a small space.

B: Of course, some people think that it's not good to be an open kitchen. Most of them consider the fumes issue. Most people think that the open kitchen cannot well block the spread of fumes. Over time, a layer of fumes will accumulate on the furniture and it will be difficult to clean. But with the development of modern kitchen appliances and people's lifestyles, it is perfectly possible to make an open kitchen. Such as high-power range hoods, smokeless stoves, smokeless pots, these provide good hardware conditions for the open kitchen. You can also use microwave ovens, induction cookers and other smokeless cooking utensils to open kitchens.

C: The decoration of modern homes is mostly based on simple and modern styles. It is more fashionable with the open kitchen. And now the average size of the kitchen is not too large, and the open kitchen can make the space visually larger and make the space better.

D: The open kitchen is suitable for foreigners. Because foreigners cook differently from Chinese, they rarely use fumes. If it is set to be open, we usually eat Chinese food to make the fumes and smoke in the room full of smoke. Even the best range hoods will have a little fume residue. If you rarely cook, you can still think about it, especially if your home decoration design style is European, then the choice of opening must be avant-garde fashion, and now some hundred collars love to design this way, because they are generally noon Do not cook at home only in the evening will be home to drink, so there is very little fumes pull, see your own life habits and preferences.

E: Open kitchen: Lee: The sense of space becomes bigger, more generous (some units are more ventilated), and the convenience of getting in and out of the kitchen;

Cons: When cooking, fumes easily run out of the kitchen; closed kitchen:

Lee: You can cut off the fumes. When you cook, as long as you close the door, you will not be afraid to run out of the kitchen.

Cons: Going in and out through the doorway is more open than open-ended troubles, and the sense of space is not open (except for large-sized units)

Because I prefer open style, the comments tend to be open-ended and personal.

F: If you often cook, open kitchen must choose the hood. If you don't cook the fumes everywhere, the open kitchen in the home will be quite space. The sense of space becomes bigger and more generous (some houses are more airy).

G: My new house just finished decoration is the choice of open kitchen, from the use of my situation is good, first give people the feeling of generous house, spacious, so I recommend the choice of open kitchen. Because now the hood or exhaust fan is very windy, can suck the fumes clean and won't run in. My home is a good example. During the Chinese New Year treat, I exploded a lot of things, and also fried a lot of dishes. No smoke came in.

H: I also like the open kitchen, but I'm also worried about soot problems - but there is now a stove is a set of smoke machine, disinfection cabinets, cupboards and stove together! Flue is from below to go! That kind is very suitable for open Kitchen! I was also exposed to the building materials industry to know that there is such a high-tech thing!!

The pros and cons of open kitchens There are many answers from netizens and they are generally summarized. Now it depends on your own situation.

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