Door lock left and right open freely interchangeable

When we buy a door lock, the general business will ask, is your home door lock left open or right open, many big gods are confused, and what is left and right. It doesn't matter whether it is left or right. It is important to buy a door lock that can be interchanged. Now many door locks can be interchanged. Below, Xiaobian leads everyone to a manual class, very simple operation:

First, the door lock is adjusted left and right

The first step: will change the left and right open door locks on the floor

Step 2: Place the Torx screwdriver in the screw position in the cat's head

Step 3: Unscrew the screw and re-screw the screw by turning the handle in the opposite direction.

Second, the internal and external adjustment of the trivial tongue

The first step: put the lock body on the floor

Step 2: Press the locking tongue into the tongue groove with your finger and rotate the tongue

Step 3: Rotate the lock tongue 180° and let the lock tongue pop up automatically.

Led Tubes Emergency Kit

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