Zucchini virus disease prevention and control technology

Zucchini is a cucurbitaceae, alias is a melon, native to the Americas, also known as the American pumpkin. Zucchini is served with tender fruit, rich in nutrients, early in market, high in yield, and is popular among consumers. However, zucchini is most susceptible to viral diseases in Cucurbitaceae vegetables, with high incidence and large losses. In severe cases, it can reduce production by more than half, so Cultivation of zucchini should strengthen the prevention and treatment of viral diseases, the following points should be noted in production.

I. Variety selection There are certain differences in the disease resistance of different varieties of zucchini to viral diseases. Varieties of zucchini, silver, zucchini, early Qing, and Atai are more resistant to viral diseases.

Second, seed disinfection To eliminate seed-borne virus, soak seeds with 10% trisodium phosphate solution for 20-30 minutes, or soak seeds with 1% potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes, rinse with water and then germination.

Third, the implementation of rotation Zucchini should be implemented 3-5 years of rotation to reduce the accumulation of viruses in the soil.

4. Cultivate strong seedlings, strictly control the temperature and temperature management of the planting seedlings, prevent seedlings from growing wild, cultivate strong seedlings, and improve the resistance of seedlings. When transplanting, all the infected seedlings should be eliminated to avoid colonization. The source of infection can be broadcast live in the fall to avoid the infection of the virus at the time of colonization.

V. Elimination of aphids Aphids are important mediators of infectious virus diseases. The occurrence and severity of viral diseases are closely related to the occurrence of aphids, and one of the key measures for early prevention and control of aphid viruses. Can be hanged with silver ash membrane to avoid mites, can also use 2.5% deltamethrin or even killing butyl EC 2000-3000 times solution, 50% anti-Pu Wei WP 800-1000 times solution, 10% cypermethrin EC 2500 times solution Alternate spray control, even spray 3-4 times, 7-10 days apart, where conditions can also be cultivated with insect nets.

6. Reducing exposure to poisoning Viral diseases can be transmitted through plant wounds. Therefore, the spacing should be increased in cultivation, and hanging cultivation should be carried out to minimize the wounds caused by farming operations. The operation of farming should follow the principle of the first strain of the plant. Do not need to fight on early-maturing zucchini to avoid causing wounds to spread poison.

Seventh, strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, to avoid premature aging West squash seedlings premature aging is very susceptible to viral diseases, in the cultivation must strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, to avoid water and fertilizer. In the hot season, water can be properly watered to lower the ground temperature. Where conditions permit, the shade can be taken to prevent premature aging of the seedlings, and the disease resistance is weakened.

Eight, chemical control Seedling period spray 83 anti-agent 100 times liquid to improve the disease resistance of seedlings. In the early stage of the disease, spray 20% virus A wettable powder 500 times solution, or anti-toxic agent 1 300 times solution, or 1000 times potassium permanganate solution, or 20X10-6 naphthalene acetic acid, once every 7-10 days, even Spray 3-4 times, the above liquids can be used interchangeably.

Xinjiang Kulba State Agricultural School Tu Qiufeng (841000)

Excerpt from "Beijing Agriculture"

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