Home improvement main material purchase order

Home improvement main material purchase order

Reasonable arrangement of main materials

There is a close relationship between the order of the main materials and the construction. Sometimes, due to the lateness of the owner’s purchase of the main materials or the improper delivery time, the main material supply may not be timely or the main material may come. It may temporarily not be used or stored. That is, it is inconvenient for the construction party and the main material side. Let's list a rough timetable for this.

1. Cabinet ordering (can be set early or the construction party enters the market three to five days before the order)

Because the cabinets and hydropower plans are produced by the manufacturers, the manufacturer's designers deliver the hydropower plans to the owners. It takes about three days. In this way, there will be no delay in threading.

2. Sanitary ware (can be set early or the construction party enters the market three to five days ago to order)

Because many of the watermen entering the stadium need to clean up the site, they should first change the drainage and carry out the backfilling of the crushed slag. At this time, the sizing of the sanitary ware is determined.

3, suite door (can be set early or the construction party enters the market three to five days before the order)

This is a long or short main material distribution. Short manufacturers may deliver goods in half a month, and long ones pass through more than half of the renovation period. It is also a fatal link to delay the duration of work.

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