Can Hydraulic Splitter Replace Breaker?

Do you want to save engineering costs? Do you want to speed up the progress of the project? Do you want to make huge profits in the limited profit space? If you want to invite you to finish reading the article, you don't have to look at it, but look at it with surprise, because a small choice for you will bring huge profits to the entire project.
Hydraulic splitter power is only 4 kilowatts, single machine splitting force can reach 400-500T, a machine can bring more guns. Splitting time can be completed within 5 to 20 seconds and a few seconds. The efficiency is very high, and the operation and maintenance costs are very low. At the same time, it is safe, environmentally friendly, economical, accurate, and flexible. It is a new generation of high-tech equipment that replaces the breaker. The era of the demolition of high-tech splitters has come. The replacement of the breaker is an inevitable trend.

According to statistical analysis by authoritative experts, the fault phenomena of the breakers are:
Breakers often do not impact or shock interrupted; oil pipelines, host back to the oil filter is easy to plug; crusher prone to diaphragm damage and abnormal tubing vibration; followed by oil leakage is also very common. Because of its poor working conditions, the above failures often occur during use, which seriously affects the construction progress.
When the breaker is dismantled, it must be equipped with digging machine operation, which consumes a large amount of fuel and has a high cost. What is more important is that the operating principle of the breaker is to crush and crush. Compared with the large splitting of the splitter, the speed has been greatly lagging behind. Many disadvantages have proved that the era of the dismantling of the splitter has come.

Profit calculation

The economical consumption of the hydraulic splitting machine breaking method is: electricity fee, labor wages, mechanical wear and tear; the hammer hammer operation basically selects the "rental machine with operating personnel" method, and its economic consumption is the lease fee, labor wages, and machinery. Consumption expenses, etc. Calculated by the engineering department: The power consumption of the hydraulic splitter is: 15 kilowatts/set for two air compressors, 1.5 kilowatts/set for splitters, totaling 31.5 kilowatts, and 8 hours/day for engineering operations, 31.5 x 8 = 252 Kilowatt/day, labor salary: 100 yuan/person, a construction team of 9 people, total 900 yuan, electricity fee: 252 yuan/day, consumables: 30 yuan, other: 40 yuan, total: 1230, daily stone is: 40 cubic meters m, removal cost per cubic stone: 1230/40 = 30 yuan/m3.

Hammer equipment rental costs about 2500-4000 yuan / day, fuel consumption of about 800-1500 yuan / day, labor wages 150 yuan / day, other supplies costs 10 yuan / cubic meter, a total of about 90-150 yuan / cubic meter.

According to the above calculations by the engineering department, the economic consumption of the hydraulic splitter's breaking and dismantling method is only 15% of the breaker. From the aspect of construction effect, in the same stone demolition project, the working efficiency of a splitter is three times that of the breaker, and the cost per day is only one-third of its cost. Therefore, it can be seen that the hydraulic splitting machine Breakthrough method is an efficient and economical construction method.

An earthwork project will be profitable by more than 10 times. The selection of a piece of equipment will bring huge profits.

Case I: Guizhou Bijie Real Estate Demolition Project covers an area of ​​8,000 square meters of “Golden Diamond Heights” real estate project in Jinsha County, Bijie, Guizhou Province, and requires the removal of 40,000 cubic meters of rock. The construction conditions are banned explosives, which can be removed with hydraulic splitters and breakers. The project auditing department performed cost accounting on the "Hydraulic Splitter Breakthrough Method" (selecting two 4kw electric-hydraulic splitters with four guns) and "renting a certain zone breaker hammer excavator". The result was: hydraulic splitter Breakthrough method saves one year's time compared to the crusher construction method! Calculate the cost of the purchase of machinery, the cost savings also reached 1,765,180 yuan!

Case 2: Shenzhen Xilhong Granite Demolition Project of Shenzhen Metro Line 1 is forbidden to be used in the demolition project of "Xilihong" granite under the construction of Shenzhen Metro Line No. 1 project for the construction of the Shenzhen Metro Line No. 1 project. Explosives, the "Xilihong" granite of the No. 1 line section of the subway, are extremely hard, the construction is difficult, and the geological conditions are complex. Many factors have seriously affected the progress of the project.
Construction volume comparison time/cubic cement expansive hydraulic breaker hydraulic ripper 1 day 10 cubic meters 20 cubic meters 200 cubic meters 30 days 300 cubic meters 60 cubic meters 6000 cubic meters

Using a powerful splitter on the granite of a subway tunnel can easily split 80 to 200 cubic meters a day, and one to two months can split 7,000 to 10,000 cubic meters of rock. In the Subway Line 1 project, compared to the operation of the breaker, the splitting method of the powerful splitter shortened the construction period by more than two months and saved nearly 100,000 yuan in cost.

The hydraulic splitter has been recognized by the subway tunnel project and is widely used in subway projects. It has gradually occupied the excavation market of metro tunnels and has become an indispensable construction equipment. Hydraulic splitters have already entered the engineering demolition field and are the best equipment to save costs and improve operational efficiency. The phenomenon of replacing the breaker has gradually appeared.